Periodical  #JSMEPARTA

The multinational company Chart Ferox, a manufacturer of double-walled pressure vessels and system equipment, also has a branch in the north of Bohemia in Děčín. In order to communicate with its employees, its management publishes a periodical through which it publishes information about what is happening in the company, news in the industry and employee medallions. Studio Divize was invited to redesign the periodical. Thus, the new logo of the magazine #JSMEPARTA was created, which expresses a stylized positive element in combination with the hashtag of the name of the periodical itself, a new generous format for sufficient reproduction of the author's photographs and, last but not least, the colour scheme according to the company's graphic manual. Font selection and setting of legible typography, inspired by the industrial environment and the use of fixed-width fonts, was also an integral part of the redesign 

for subtitles (monospaced font) that would fit both the format and the character of the content. In addition, the layout of the periodical uses other graphic elements, such as coloured boxes for shorter texts or ellipses based on the company's logo.

Chart ferox

Since 2020

Tomáš Brychta
Sára Bergmannová
